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An interview with Lisa Prime
Australia's national digital atlas
Canada: Building housing with digital foundations
An Interview with Dr Ian Opperman
An Interview with Adrian Piani
DIGITAL TWIN LIVE: The recordings
Digital Twin Live: Building big; digital dreams
An interview with Dr Mark Bew MBE
A sit down with Infrastructure Australia
Master data management for Digital Twins: Let's discuss
A built environment bang: Igniting the data fuse on disclosure
The 2023 Wrap
Digital Twin; it's only as good as your data
Can we PlanTech our way to better development?
The view from within, a digital built environment debrief for South East Queensland
Can we win on AI and the built environment?
A Digital Twin discussion with BIM leaders
On-on-one with Digital Twin Victoria
For the love of data - A professional journey of chasing more with digital
A pathway for Digital Twin leadership in Australia
Awakening city data, a Digital Twin journey
Future trends, Digital Twins and urban planners
Digitally transforming high speed rail
Building accountability around 'digital by default'
The 2023 Digital Twin Events to Note
Digital Twin first steps, the options
You're Invited: Standards Australia Digital Twin White Paper
Planning, in a digital built world
Tracking '3.3: Digital by Default'
What's the Digital Twin Partnership?
Digital Twin Partnership heads to Melbourne
What's behind the digital built airport?
Data and digital standards for the Australian built environment
Where digital engineering and Digital Twins meet
So what's the Apollo Protocol all about?
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